affiliate programs utsc - which additionally refers to affiliates as publishers - is a strong platform with advanced options like real-time reporting. At FlexOffers, affiliate salespeople are known as publishers. You agree that we are not responsible or liable for deactivation or deletion of accounts or for lack of e-mails, communications, postings, information or information on account of, or arising out of, our administration of such companies. IN NO Event WILL WE, OUR OFFICERS, Employees, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS, Agents, Affiliates, SUBSIDIARIES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS BE LIABLE TO ANY Party FOR ANY DIRECT, Indirect, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, Special OR Other Indirect (Including Without LIMITATION, Cost OF Cover) ARISING OUT OF OR IN Reference to THIS Agreement OR ANY Services, Content OR Other Materials Provided OR Available HEREUNDER, OR USE OF Any other Links OR LINKED Web SITE, Even when We are EXPRESSLY Advised OF The possibility of SUCH DAMAGES, AND No matter Whether SUCH DAMAGES AROSE IN CONTRACT, TORT (Including NEGLIGENCE), STRICT Liability OR Other Legal Basis. By using this Net site you agree to be sure by the Phrases of Use.